It's been a month since I've had liquor. My sweet one, why do you leave me? I don't want this pain anymore, Please let me escape it. I don't think I'll survive long My aid has now been ruptured and torn. I'm not free of you, I want your sweet return, Another lullaby to pass the time as if I'm young Please come back I can't do this anymore I miss you so much, please one more time for me Don't let me forget you My memories so entangled without you Where do you go now? One more sip please I beg of you Cheers for my success, aid for my pain Pretense when I smile, an end when it rains I want to die without you my love I will be no more
I find it hard not to look at my feet and see the roots of culture and pain. I see suffering and happiness, joy and despair, panic and desperation.
I know, being the one who lives through it, just how rough it is to be me. To experience life with the attitude I experience it with is not easily replicable, and will be a unique want.
There's been a constant fight throughout time; all fights are rooted through pure ignorance. Ignorance is found in this ragged body of myself, it is ingrained in its abstraction. Ignorance is my fortay for being myself, and my ignorance lies in places no one else knows besides myself. One piece of ignorance is consistent across the brains of all: experiencing what others experience.
My empathy seems to have been dawned in tragedy, tragedy has gained me insight in pure harm. Extreme joy has displaced my actions, reacting aggressively towards unknowers of my reign, it has made me dense, because if I feel it is okay, then it is.
With culture comes flaunt. Grouping individuals together will make them come up with crazy, experimental why's they should stick together, or have sex a certain way, or make music to experience. Any excuse to have fun I believe, any excuse to live. Living doesn't have a purpose unless we mount life's absurd self. Living is just what life wants us to do, it is the life we want right? Maybe the earth wants us to eat oddly organized atoms so that we can rearrange other atoms in our gastrointestinal atoms.
It's peculiar how these ideas manifest in our knowledge, and at the same time our emotions seem to disregard this very essence of existence in which things are just stupid.
Cultures and workplaces and weird religious doctrine will teach us that owning up to an orderly manner and orderly fashion will show intelligence, strength, understanding and discipline. This is just the beginning of universal ignorance. Let's make sure what we want is what others think is ordered, because we know that that's how things work. I sit here looking at my emotions on my tattered shoes created through a sweat shop so I can walk a few feet to work every morning, so I can keep my feet clean, and I see how rooted in pain and in craziness and in mania these tattered shoes I have on have gone through, and not just what I've been through with them. They are me losing money, and they are me not getting money, because money is the one thing that shows your character in our minds, money is what makes you a stylish, complete person.
Imagine my imagination imagining yours, and you will see how different light comes on between our perception of this idiotic oversimplified abstraction of reality. We will clash if we do not agree, and our disagreements will become political violence for all to witness with keen eyes. And their minds will separate ideas based off of what each one of our distant small roomed brains have decided, and then they will influence their buddies to think on some extremity.
It's crazy how not different everyone is from one another, and how we stupidly make the judgement that we are while simultaneously dying from just being alive.
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