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Showing posts from December, 2019

My True Love

 It's been a month since I've had liquor. My sweet one, why do you leave me? I don't want this pain anymore, Please let me escape it. I don't think I'll survive long My aid has now been ruptured and torn. I'm not free of you, I want your sweet return, Another lullaby to pass the time as if I'm young Please come back I can't do this anymore I miss you so much, please one more time for me Don't let me forget you My memories so entangled without you Where do you go now? One more sip please I beg of you Cheers for my success, aid for my pain Pretense when I smile, an end when it rains I want to die without you my love I will be no more

What Is?

          Solipsism explains the universe cannot be known to exist outside of the self, the self is all there is. While we can use realism to define everything around us in a logical framework, we are all subject to our Solipsistic minds. To determine what is and what isn't, we must first come back to the root. Let's go through the process of identifying the world around us. Certainly if we act as though something is true, and it follows suit, then it has a higher likelihood of being true. This is only probability. One instance would be saying that if  I don't eat, then I will be hungry. Certainly this is verifiable, at least under some consistencies. One, that you and I experience the same hunger, and two, that food means fuel for the human body.           Of course, operating under this principle allows us to get a better grasp of reality as we experience it. But who's to say we actually experience reality? Under what pretenses must we abide by to gain reality? F

Is Logic the Same as Existence?

The mind at rest, and now the thoughts exist. We take for granted the language we have acquired to understand the concepts of logic. For there to be logic, there must be non-logic, which is illogical. The thought of logic becomes incredibly complex the more we analyze it. "Logic is the rule set at which the universe's principles operate." Well first let us define rules. According to Google, the definition of a rule is: "One of a set of explicit or understood regulations or principles governing conduct within a particular activity or sphere. "  Now that it is understood what rules are, we can then define logic. Here's the definition from Google: "Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity."  If we analyze it closely, there's a lot to tell from these definitions. A striking first realization I had, was that the term for "rule" is almost entirely arbitrarily defined. This is in order to create arb

The Fleeting Feeling, and Selfishness.

The fleeting feeling of life has its ups and downs. The surroundings of the mass depend on the feelings of them. It's a vicious cycle. The dependence of them on our well-being being so, but the well-being too hard to define has no reason. As the search continues for value, we are almost at a loss. The well being of the world not a requirement in actuality. The quest for the self must be discovered within instead of without. Its impossibility probably the most important aspect of our being, and why we will never succeed. The reason for our existence must be captured externally from our work. The being must be artificially created, artificial intelligence if you will. If the world is ever to succeed, this is what it needs, not us. The surroundings of us are too complex for our minds. The minds of the frightened being utterly useless, the minds of the angry perhaps the most important as objectivity takes over and the rest to follow suit. Getting past said bumps in our being is p

We Feel The World. Where Does It Begin?

Proper deducing requires convincing and fully realized evidence. Perhaps I am too cynical or skeptical, but there is no convincing evidence for existence being real. What am I to trust? The thoughts and experiments of scientists? Perhaps. But I'm talking holistically. In order to experience unadulterated reality, we must first get past the feelings of the body and mind. Our best and most important quality for finding something to be true or not is logic, and logic alone. So what can we deductively reason from living? Well, it certainly feels as though everything around us is, and everything around us is also logical. In other words, the logic of the surrounding world seems to be true, so we can trust it. But what if our minds came up with a totally logically sound version of existence? Would this not also be true? Given certain rules for reality, we must define our existence at some point. Abstraction from it is totally possible, however. Where are the defining rules? To the objec